It's meant to be hard
Right then. Tomorrow’s the day where I start proper, and today is a day where I am kind to myself. (Realistically, it’s also the only day in the next couple of months where my legs won’t be hurting, but let’s not think about that right now.)
I think I’m ready. It’s obviously going to be hard, but challenges are supposed to be hard. I’m not ‘jumping out of a plane for charity’ which always seems a little strange to me, as it’s probably something you were going to do anyway, but any amount of fundraising is good so I’m not complaining.
My whole mind is split down the middle about this challenge, because Lazy Bas does not want to do this, he want to eat carbs in the bath and watch movies, but Active Bas wants to see what happens when you set yourself a ridiculous goal and just…go for it.
More than anything I think I want to have done it, if that makes any sense?
Starting from zero
I’m a big lad, at 188cm and 136kg there’s a whole bunch of adjective that don’t apply to me: ‘slight’, for one, ‘lithe’, also, ‘quick’, too. Ask my friends and I’m sure they’ll be able to add to that list in an entertaining way. There’s a lot of me, but I’m not an athlete. To give you an idea of where I’m starting:
Last Halloween I had chemotherapy & immunotherapy for the second time in my life. My active treatment stopped 5 days before Christmas, and I am currently still taking medication and seeing specialists etc. My body is, to put it mildly, recovering.
I am incredibly grateful for everyone who helped me do all of it, not a lot of it was fun. It was a challenge. And not in a ‘jumping out of a plane’ kind of way.
But I got through that with help and tenacity, so really: I reckon I’m ready.
…But just to make things slightly more interesting I went ahead and broke my wrist last week.
Let’s GO!